Certification Introduction:
OFCA certification is the abbreviation of the Hong Kong Telecommunications Authority's certification program for communications products in Hong Kong. The full name is Office of the Communications Authority (Communications Authority). Bureau).
The purpose of OFCA certification is to ensure the safety of products used in Hong Kong and to prevent telecommunication products from interfering with public networks. Only telecommunications equipment that has been tested and complies with relevant technical specifications and has been granted a certificate by the Telecommunications Authority can be used in Hong Kong.
Certification Classification:
According to the Hong Kong Telecommunications Equipment Qualification and Verification Scheme, telecommunications equipment verification requirements are divided into Voluntary Verification Scheme (VCS) and Compulsory Verification Scheme (CCS). Under the Voluntary Verification Scheme, applying for verification of telecommunications equipment is voluntary. Such equipment may be sold or used in Hong Kong even if it has not been verified as meeting the relevant technical specifications. However, manufacturers, suppliers and distributors must ensure that their telecommunications equipment meets the relevant technical specifications even if they do not apply for verification. Public telecommunications network operators may refuse to allow customer premises equipment that does not meet specified specifications to be connected to their network. In addition, anyone who uses or sells radio communication equipment that does not comply with the relevant HKTA specifications will be prosecuted in contravention of the Telecommunications ordinance (Cap. 106).
Under the Mandatory Verification Scheme, it is mandatory to apply for verification for telecommunications equipment. Before the telecommunications equipment can be used or sold in Hong Kong, it must be verified to meet one of the following specifications:
(1) the relevant HKCA specifications;
(2) Technical standards prescribed or approved by the CA, if there is no relevant HKCA specification;
(3) Specifications equivalent to (1) or (2) above.
As an FCB certification body recognized by OFCA in Hong Kong, BACL must meet OFCA certification requirements for radio frequency and telecommunication products sold in Hong Kong. The test report issued by BACL can be directly used for OFCA certificate application. (Approval number: US001)
OFCA (Office of the Communications Authority) (RF)
• Is it mandatory: Combination of mandatory certification and voluntary certification
• Regulated products: wireless communication products
• Factory Inspection: None
• Certificate Validity Period: None
• BACL can directly issue OFCA certificates (accreditation number: US001)