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Argentina S-MARK Certification

Certification Introduction:

IRAM was established in 1935. It is a certification body for electronic technology products recognized by OAA (Argentina Accreditation organization - Argentina Accreditation organization) and a certification body for compulsory certification products recognized by the government. The IRAM Safety Mark is a mandatory (except exempted) certification mark in Argentina.

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Authentication Basic Information

S-MARK certification (safety)

• Is it mandatory: yes

• Regulated Products: Electrical and electronic equipment with an input voltage in the range of 50-1000 Vac AC, or 75-1500 Vdc DC

• Factory Inspection: Yes

• Local testing: yes

• Validity period of certificate: maintenance of annual supervision and inspection

Applicable Product Range:

The Argentine government passed two new resolutions 197/2004 and 198/2004. 197/2004 allowed manufacturers and importers to choose different certification systems. The Argentine authorities revised the certification system at the end of 2004 and published Resolution 197/2004. , and put this plan into practice. Resolution 197/2004 applies to the following products: electronic and electrical products, toys, personal protective equipment.

Certification Category:

Electrical appliances applicants can choose any of the following certification methods:

A. Mark Certification

B. Type Approval

C. Batch Certification


While 198/2004 has compulsory certification requirements for some electrical and electronic products, the agreement 198/2004 stipulates that the following products are no longer included in the scope of compulsory certification:

• Products with rated current greater than 63A

• Rated voltage less than 50V, use battery power

• Rated electrical power is less than 50V with external power supply (including battery operation)


In addition, the following requirements must also be met:

• The power supply must have a valid Argentine certification

• The technical parameters of the adapter power supply or the model of the adapter power supply must be marked in the product manual

• The product manual must state that it is dangerous to use an unspecified power source


However, products below 50V are still subject to mandatory certification requirements:

• Use lighting and lighting supply system on mains 50V AC

• Dichroic lamps and lamp holders

• Handheld power tools

• Electric fence starter

• Electronic muscle stimulator for fitness