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Middle East GCC Certification


On May 2024, BACL has successfully got notified by Gulf Standardization organization (GSO) for both low voltage electrical equipment (LVE) and children’s toys Technical regulations.



What is The Gulf Conformity Marking (G-Mark)?


The Gulf Conformity Marking (G-Mark) confirms the compliance of industrial products with the GCC technical regulations and safe for consumers to use and facilitating the free movement of commodities across borders within the GCC member states, GCC member states includes: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and Yemen.


Any product amenable to the GCC technical regulations should bear the GCC Conformity Marking and GCTS (Gulf Conformity Tracking Symbol) to be put on the GCC markets, which consists of the G-Mark and a QR Code.

1- Gulf Conformity Marking (G-Mark logo)
2- The QR code tracking the product


How BACL can help you?

BACL as a Gulf Standardization organization (GSO) Notified Body can help you to ensure the Conformity of your products with GCC technical regulations and issue the G-Mark, in order to facilitate your products trading in all GCC member countries!