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Russia GOST R Certification

Certification Introduction:

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, electrical products need to wear the PCT mark before they can enter the Russian market. This mark is authorized to be used by GOST Re-National Certification Body on Electrical Equipment of the Gosstandart of Russia. Therefore, the product should first obtain the COC (Certificate of Conformity) certificate issued by GOST Re. For this reason, in addition to the requirements of the Russian national standard, the quality assurance system of the product manufacturer should also meet the relevant requirements of GOST Re. In addition, most household appliances, such as televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, etc., also need to meet relevant requirements. Hygienic certification is required for products that come into contact with water or food (such as electrical kitchenware, refrigerators), and products that generate X-ray radiation, microwave radiation, or noise or vibration.

Certifications required for electrical products to enter the Russian market:

• GOST R certification (mainly in terms of security, obtaining a GOST R certificate and affixing the PCT mark);

• EMC certification;

• Hygiene Certification (to obtain Hygiene Conclusion);

• Fire certification (obtain Fire Safety Certificate);

• Factory audit.