Certification Introduction:
The Vietnam Energy Efficiency Label Certification is a compulsory certification issued and implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Vietnam (MOIT for short). MOIT is the government department responsible for supervising all energy industries in Vietnam, including electricity, new energy and renewable energy, and formulating and implementing relevant laws and policies. From January 2020, energy efficiency labels for LED lights and laptops will be enforced. From now on, after obtaining the Energy Efficiency Declaration of Conformity (EE DoC), the above-mentioned products must comply with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEPS) and regulatory energy efficiency labels before they can be sold in the Vietnamese market. In addition, Vietnamese officials encourage manufacturers to voluntarily post energy efficiency labels for products that are not in the list of mandatory energy efficiency labels.
Authentication Basic Information
• Is it mandatory: yes
• Regulated Products: Products currently regulated by the MOIT
• Factory Inspection: None
• Certificate validity: up to 3 years
Energy Efficiency Label Sample:
Official website link:
Mandatory Energy Efficiency Label Regulations:
1. Applicable regulations for LED lights: In the initial stage, only E27 and B22 self-ballasted LED bulbs and double-ended LED tubes are suitable for MEPS and EE DoC, other products will be released in the future, we will continue to pay attention to you!
2. Regulations applicable to laptops: