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IP Protection Level

Introduction of IP Dustproof and Waterproof Test

1. Enclosure Protection Test

Shell protection test, also known as IP level test, is mainly used to evaluate the reliability of shell protection of various electrical product shells and seals under various harsh environmental conditions such as dust, moisture, water or diving, to verify Whether the working performance of products and components will be damaged, and also provides corresponding protection requirements for the human body to prevent contact with dangerous parts.


IP is the abbreviation for INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION, which means an internationally recognized protection level. The IP protection level is generally composed of two numbers or supplementary letters: the first number indicates the level of protection against solid objects, and the second number indicates the level of waterproof entry. The larger the number, the higher the protection level is.


2. Dust test

The test is used to determine the range of products against dust, and is often used to detect the protection ability of electronic and electrical products in dust environments. In the natural environment, it is inevitable to be in a harsh environment with dust and sand, and the sealing ability of the equipment is very important to ensure the safe operation and longevity of the equipment. Our dust-proof laboratory has various types of domestic and imported testing equipment, and can carry out dust-proof test items of various levels to meet the dust-proof level assessment needs of products in various industries.


3. Waterproof test

Testing is often used to test the operation of electrical and electronic products and materials under flushing conditions. The product may be exposed to external moisture during transportation, storage and use, thereby causing damage to the product. With the continuous improvement of people's requirements for electronic products, the waterproof performance of electronic products has begun to receive widespread attention.


Display Method

The protection level is usually expressed by two numbers followed by IP, and the numbers are used to clarify the level of protection.

1. The first digit indicates the extent to which the device is resistant to fine dust, or the extent to which people are protected from hazards in a sealed environment. Represents the level of preventing the entry of solid foreign objects, the highest level is 6;

2. The second digit indicates how waterproof the device is. Represents the level of water protection, the highest level is 8.

