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Wi-Fi Certification

What is Wi-Fi Certification?

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED is an internationally recognized product certification standard, indicating that products meet industry-recognized standards for interoperability, security, and a range of application-specific protocols. When a product successfully passes the test, the manufacturer or distributor is authorized to use the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED mark. Certification means that a product has been tested in various configurations with other devices, and the devices used for testing are drawn in different ways to confirm that the product is compatible with other Wi-Fi CERTIFIED devices operating on the same frequency band. interoperability.

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A wide range of consumer, enterprise and carrier-specific products, including smartphones, appliances, computers and peripherals, network infrastructure and consumer electronics, can be certified. On the retail side, the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo gives consumers confidence in a product, ensuring that the product provides a good user experience and meets industry standards. Service providers and enterprise IT managers specify that products must have Wi-Fi CERTIFIED to reduce support costs and ensure products meet industry-recognized requirements. Product certification testing and use of the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo and related trademarks are only permitted by being a member of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

Authentication basic information

Mandatory: No (Requires Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo and Wi-Fi technology products to do)

Regulated Products: Products that use Wi-Fi technology

Factory Inspection: None

Certificate validity: unlimited


How to become a member

Joining the Wi-Fi Alliance is a key strategic element in providing Wi-Fi solutions and services.


1. Full Membership

Full members can help develop our certification program and related supporting technologies, certified products, and have access to a range of other benefits. The annual fee for full membership is $15,000.


2. Affiliate Membership

Affiliates of Full and Sponsored Level Members are eligible for a range of membership benefits at no additional cost. Affiliate members have the same rights as full members, including the ability to certify products under their own company name, but voting rights are still held by businesses with full or sponsorship-level memberships in the Wi-Fi Alliance. For a company to qualify as an Affiliate Member, a Full Member or Sponsorship-level Member company must directly or indirectly 

(1) control the Affiliate;

(2) be controlled by the Affiliate; or 

(3) co-locate with the Affiliate in another business Controlled (the same non-member company must control both the member company and the affiliate).


3. Implementer Member

Implementer members can utilize previously certified Wi-Fi products to certify their end products. Implementer members leverage the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED brand to provide users with an easy path to insurance interoperability and a proven user experience excellence. Additional benefits include participation in three annual membership meetings, access to programming diagrams and tested specifications. The annual fee for Implementer membership is $5,000.


Wi-Fi certification classification

1. New product certification: Wi-Fi certification is not inherited;

2. Re-certification: The product has been certified, and the Wi-Fi-related parts of the product have changed;

3. Modification: The product has been certified, and the Wi-Fi-related parts of the product remain unchanged.