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Updated regulations for LTE in Malaysia
Publisher:Admin  Source:  Date:2017/10/17

On October 2, 2017, a new federal mandatory safety standard ASTM F2670-17 which aimed at helping to keep infants and toddlers from drowning while in infant bath tubs went into effect. This means that it is now illegal to sell infant bath tubs in the United States that were manufactured on or after that date, if they do not meet the new regulation.


On March 24, 2017, the Commission voted unanimously (5-0) to approve the new federal mandatory standard for infant bath tubs, which defined as, tub, enclosure or other similar product intended to hold water and be placed into an adult bath tub, sink, or on top of other surfaces to provide support or containment, or both, for an infant in a reclining, sitting, or standing position during bathing by a caregiver.


The regulation requires improvements to the warning statements printed on infant bath tubs to protect babies by providing caregivers with information about drowning and fall hazards and how to avoid these hazards. The bath tubs also must meet improved performance requirements that address infant bath tub breakage and broken locking mechanisms.


Between 2004 and 2015, there were 31 infant deaths associated with infant bath tubs reported to CPSC. Thirty of the 31 deaths involved drowning when a caregiver was not present.  Additionally, Commission staff estimates that 2,300 infant bath tub-related injuries were treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments during this same time period.


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