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Good News丨BACL Laboratories and CROCS Successfully Held the CRSL Symposium 2019!
Publisher:Admin  Source:  Date:2020/1/9

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On December 26, 2019, BACL Laboratories and CROCS, a well-known global footwear brand, successfully held the "2019 CROCS-BACL RSL Symposium" at HJ International Hotel, Dongguan. This seminar attracted the enthusiastic participation of nearly 200 shoe suppliers. CROCS guest speakers Jason Liu and BACL chemistry technical expert Kimmy Huang jointly focused on the latest version of CRSL, restricted substance testing, and precautions for suppliers to send testing tests A comprehensive interpretation was conducted to enable the majority of shoe material suppliers to keep abreast of the latest regulatory requirements and ensure their effective control and response to the latest restricted substance list. The seminar was highly praised by the attendees and was a complete success!

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CROCS guest Jason Liu interprets CRSL list in detail


First of all, Kimmy Huang, a BACL chemistry expert, focused on a comprehensive interpretation of the latest version of the CROCS RSL and its countermeasures, enabling participants to have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the latest requirements of the restricted substance list. Secondly, Jason Liu, the guest speaker of CROCS, conducted a comprehensive analysis of the feedback on restricted substance policies, precautions for suppliers to send test tests, precautions for restricted substance testing, and precautions for T2 supplier grading. The unit carried out brainstorming, so that every participant could gain a lot, and the meaning was never exhausted. In the end, the speakers Kimmy Huang and Jason Liu interacted with the participants and answered the questions raised by everyone.

Wonderful review of the seminar site

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BACL Chemical Technology Experts Explain the New Version of CROCS RSL


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BACL staff explain in detail about filling in TRF application form


As a world-renowned professional third-party testing and certification body, BACL has rich experience and a strong team of experts in the field of footwear testing and certification. With the understanding of global market regulations and professional, efficient and diverse technical services, it has helped many internationally renowned brands, Retailers, buyers, and manufacturers ensure that products meet quality requirements, Effectively reduce business risks and comprehensively enhance the brand's international market competitiveness. At the same time, as a long-term partner of CROCS, BACL has been involved in revising the "RSL Restricted Substance List" for the development and innovation of the CROCS brand from a professional perspective and rich industry experience, and has delivered the first time to Europe, North America and even the global footwear industry The latest hazardous material control information in the trade market ensures that CROCS products gain reliable market access at a very competitive cost! In the future, we will continue to cooperate in depth to win the global market with ingenious quality!